
Nathan Krantz + Diana Trepke

Project Title:

”Fused Figures”

ARCH 40102: Integrated Design Studio

Melissa Shin and Amanda Shin

Year Level:
Fourth Year

Project Description:

The 4th year Integrated Design Studio represents the culmination of the undergraduate architecture studio sequence. The students worked in pairs to design an 80,000sf high school for DASH (Design and Architecture Senior High School) - a magnate school with a one-of-a-kind art and design curriculum complemented by rigorous academics. Each design must resolve the formal, experiential, and technical requirements of architecture through the integration of tectonic, structural, mechanical, and passive systems.  

Fused Figures explores the idea of postures and how various systems can be different, yet still interconnected to form a whole. Facets decorate the walls facing the streets through gridded and free form applications. These facets are indicated through colorful tiles and accented by the effect of light falling onto these surfaces. These facets allow the form to give space to the windows placed across the exterior and connect the form to the city. Where the figures fuse, both in their massing and facade, those moments are celebrated through bold material transitions inspired by local Miami art.